What is Deepwoken? What you Need to Know About it

What is Deepwoken? What you Need to Know About it

Deepwoken is a tough fantasy game produced by Monad Studios that features permadeath, exploration, a difficult fighting system, and danger around every turn.

Trello and Discord are two popular platforms where gamers may get the most recent game news. As a result, game players frequently visit such channels to express and gather information about games of interest.

How To Check Trello:

There is a Trello board that users may utilize to view the most recent game updates, just like with many other Roblox games available. Players may find all the details about the various cards by visiting the website https://trello.com/b/MAbagSng/deepwoken-trello, where they can access the Deepwoken Trello.


A health bar is located in the center of the screen when the game first launches. The three bars on the left side of the screen, however, show the colors red for blood, blue for thirst, and yellow for hunger. Depending on the amount of armor your character has already acquired, the orange Armour bar will shrink as they are damaged. Crucially, in UNBLOCKED GAME 66 you can purchase items with Notes, the game's currency, which can be found bottom right of the screen.

Races Rarity:

·         Adret (18.6% Chance) – 2 Charisma & 2 Willpower – has two charismatic points and two willpower, and has a stronger reputation with actions and autodidact at the start of the game.

·         Celtor (18.6% Chance) – 2 Intelligence & 2 Charisma - 10% Additional Health are cheaper.

·         Eritrean (18.6% Chance) – Shortens the duration of the effects of status changes.

·         Canor (16.7% Chance)  2 Strength & 2 Charisma – Lowers the amount of damage taken by your squad.

·         Gremor (14% Chance) – 2 Strength & 2 Fortitude – gains a compass and loses hunger more slowly than usual. Gremor also has two strengths and two fortitude.

·         Felinor (9.3% Chance) – on wooden surfaces is made easier by Felinor (9.3% Chance) - 2 Agility & 2 Charisma.

·         Khan (9.3% Chance) –  2 Strength & 2 Agility - You become more adept at using new tools than others. Things can be equipped for 3 fewer points than necessary.

·         Vesperian (7% Chance) grants the player more armor and increases fortitude and willpower. You also don a mask that you are unable to remove.

·         Capra (2.3% Chance) – 2 Intelligence & 2 Willpower - Boosts either the quantity of food you gain when eating, the quality of sleep for others nearby, or your sanity.

·         Ganymede (2.3% Chance) – has two points in intelligence and willpower and gains immunity to insanity.

·         Lightborn (Unobtainable) – +5 to any stat, +2 to agility, and +2 to intelligence; less vulnerable to acid rain damage. Currently, it is impossible to enter this race.



Aside from being one of the top Roblox adventure games, keep in mind that Deepwoken is not just about the battle. Explore the game's universe, pick up new abilities, and make friends. Deepwoken is a fantastic and excellent game that makes all of this possible. We hope you learned something new, and now that you are more knowledgeable about each race, the game will be even more enjoyable.